Versatile Applications in Food and Beyond

Low Methoxyl Amidated Pectin (LMA Pectin) is a specialized form of pectin known for its unique gelling properties and applications in various food and industrial production due to its unique gelling properties and versatility. Its ability to form gels with calcium ions makes it particularly useful for low-sugar formulations and a range of other products for achieving desired textures and stability.

LMA Pectin is derived from the natural polysaccharide pectin, which is extracted from fruits and vegetables. LMA Pectin is characterized by its low degree of methoxylation and amidation, which influences its gelling behavior and interaction with other ingredients.

LMA Pectin is a valuable ingredient in both food production and industrial applications like jams, gummies, confectioneries, cosmetics, or industrial uses.

Chemical Properties and Structure

LMA Pectin has a lower degree of methoxylation compared to standard pectin, meaning it contains fewer methoxy groups. Additionally, amidation introduces amide groups into the pectin structure. These chemical modifications affect the pectin’s ability to gel and interact with other substances, particularly calcium ions, which play a crucial role in its gelling properties.

Key Properties

  • Gelling Behavior: LMA Pectin forms gels in the presence of calcium ions, unlike high methoxyl pectins that require a higher concentration of sugar and acid. This makes it suitable for low-sugar or sugar-free formulations.
  • Thermal Stability: It exhibits good thermal stability, maintaining its gelling properties under a range of temperatures.
  • pH Range: It performs well across a broad pH range, providing versatility in various food and industrial applications.

Uses and Applications of LMA Pectin:

  1. Food Industry:
    • Jams and Jellies: LMA Pectin is ideal for creating jams and jellies with reduced sugar content. It can form gels with calcium, allowing for sugar reduction while maintaining a desirable texture.
    • Fruit Preserves: It is used in fruit preserves to achieve a firm, stable gel structure without the need for high sugar levels.
    • Confectionery: LMA pectin is employed in gummy candies and other confectionery products where a soft and chewy texture is desired.
  2. Beverages:
    • Low-Sugar Beverages: It is used in the production of low-sugar fruit beverages to improve mouthfeel and stability without relying on high sugar concentrations.
  3. Dairy Products:
    • Yogurts and Dairy Desserts: LMA Pectin can be added to yogurt and dairy desserts to enhance texture and consistency, especially in reduced-sugar or sugar-free products.
  4. Industrial Applications:
    • Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals: Gelling properties of LMA Pectin are utilized in the formulation of gels and creams for cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications, providing structure and stability.


  1. Low-Sugar Strawberry Jam


300 g fresh strawberries hulled & chopped.

200 g granulated sugar (or equivalent amount of a sugar substitute)

30 ml lemon juice

4.5 g LMA Pectin

240 ml water


  1. In a saucepan, combine strawberries, lemon juice, and water. Cook over medium heat until the strawberries release their juice and become soft.
    1. Blend the mixture until smooth, then return to the saucepan.
    1. Mix LMA Pectin with a small amount of sugar (to prevent clumping), & then stir it into the strawberry mixture.
    1. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Continue boiling for 1-2 minutes until the mixture thickens.
    1. Pour into sterilized jars, seal & cool.
  • Fruit-Flavored Gummy Candies


240 ml fruit juice (e.g., orange, grape)

60 ml honey or granulated sugar

30 g LMA Pectin

60 ml water


  1. In a saucepan, combine fruit juice & honey & cook over medium heat until warmed but not boiling.
  2. Dissolve LMA Pectin in the water, then stir into the fruit juice mixture.
  3. Continue to heat gently, stirring, until the mixture thickens and starts to pull away from the sides of the pan.
  4. Pour the mixture into silicone Molds & refrigerate until set.
  5. Once set, remove from Molds and store in an airtight container.

  • Low-Sugar Fruit Preserves


450 g mixed fruits (e.g., blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)

100 g granulated sugar (or equivalent amount of a sugar substitute)

30 ml lemon juice

6 g LMA Pectin


  1. In a large pot, combine fruits, lemon juice, and sugar & cook over medium heat until the fruits begin to break down and release juice.
  2. Blend the mixture until smooth, then return to the pot.
  3. Mix LMA Pectin in a small amount of sugar and stir this into the fruit mixture.
  4. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Continue boiling for about 5 minutes until the mixture reaches a thick consistency.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars & seal. Cool.


LMA Pectin is an excellent ingredient for creating yogurts and dairy desserts due to its gelling and thickening properties. Following are five recipes that utilize LMA Pectin to enhance the texture and stability of various dairy-based products:

1. Creamy Vanilla Yogurt


  • 1 L whole milk
  • 1 g LMA Pectin
  • Two tablespoons plain yogurt (with live cultures)
  • One teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 50 g sugar (optional, adjust to taste)


  1. In a saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until it reaches about 85°C. This step helps to denature the proteins & improve the yogurt’s texture.
  2. In a small bowl, dissolve LMA Pectin in a small amount of sugar (if using) to prevent clumping.
  3. Add the dissolved pectin to the warm milk, stirring constantly to ensure even distribution. Continue heating the milk to about 90°C, then remove from heat.
  4. Allow the milk to cool to around 43°C. Stir in the plain yogurt & vanilla extract.
  5. Transfer the mixture to a clean container, cover, and keep it warm (e.g., using a yogurt maker or an insulated container) for about 6-8 hours, or until it sets and reaches the desired consistency.
  6. Once set, refrigerate the yogurt for at least 4 hours before serving.

2. Strawberry Yogurt Parfait


  • 500 ml Creamy Vanilla Yogurt (prepared using the recipe above)
  • 200 g fresh strawberries hulled & sliced.
  • Two tablespoons honey or maple syrup
  • 30 g granola
  • One tablespoon lemon juice


  1. In a bowl, mix the sliced strawberries with honey & lemon juice and keep for about 15 minutes for complete maceration.
  2. In serving glasses or bowls, layer the yogurt, strawberries, and granola.
  3. Repeat the layers until the glasses are full.
  4. Serve immediately or refrigerate for up to 2 hours before serving to allow the flavors to meld.

3. Chocolate Mousse Dessert


  • 250 ml heavy cream
  • 250 ml whole milk
  • 1 gram LMA Pectin
  • 100 g dark chocolate, chopped.
  • 50 g sugar (optional, adjust to taste)
  • One teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until it begins to steam. Do not boil.
  2. In a small bowl, dissolve LMA Pectin in a small amount of sugar (if using) and stir into the warmed milk. Heat the mixture to 85°C & remove from heat.
  3. Stir in the chopped chocolate until fully melted and smooth.
  4. In a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream until soft peaks form. Gently fold the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture until well combined.
  5. Spoon the mousse into serving dishes and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until set.
  6. Garnish with fresh berries or chocolate shavings before serving.

4. Lemon Cheesecake Pudding


  • 500 ml milk
  • 200 g cream cheese, softened.
  • 1 g LMA Pectin
  • 100 g sugar
  • Two tablespoons lemon juice
  • One teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until it reaches about 85°C.
  2. Disperse LMA Pectin in a small amount of sugar and add to the warm milk, with constant stirring. Heat to 90°C & remove from heat.
  3. In a bowl, beat the softened cream cheese until smooth. Gradually whisk in the warm milk mixture until well combined.
  4. Stir in the remaining sugar, lemon juice, and vanilla extract.
  5. Pour the mixture into serving dishes and chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or until set.
  6. Serve chilled, optionally garnished with lemon zest or fresh fruit.

5. Vanilla Custard


  • 500 ml whole milk
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 1 gram LMA Pectin
  • 100 g sugar
  • Four egg yolks
  • One teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a saucepan, heat milk & cream over medium heat until just below boiling.
  2. In a small bowl, disperse LMA Pectin in a small amount of sugar. Stir this into the hot milk mixture and heat to 85°C, then remove from heat.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and remaining sugar until pale and creamy.
  4. Gradually add a small amount of the hot milk mixture to the egg yolks, whisking constantly to temper the yolks. Slowly whisk the tempered yolks back into the saucepan.
  5. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens and coats the back of a spoon.
  6. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract.
  7. Strain the custard through a fine sieve into serving dishes. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.


LMA Pectin can is used in cosmetics to create various formulations due to its gelling and thickening properties. Here are four recipes for cosmetics using LMA Pectin:

1. Hydrating Facial Gel


  • 100 ml distilled water
  • 1.5 g LMA Pectin
  • 2 ml aloe vera gel
  • 1 ml rose water (optional)
  • 0.5 ml vitamin E oil
  • 0.5 ml essential oil (e.g., lavender or chamomile) (optional)


  1. In a heat-resistant container, combine the distilled water and LMA Pectin. Stir well to dissolve the pectin.
  2. Heat the mixture gently in water bath boiler until it thickens to a gel-like consistency.
  3. Once the mixture has thickened, remove it from heat and allow it to cool to room temperature.
  4. Stir in the aloe vera gel, rose water, vitamin E oil, and if using, the essential oil.
  5. Transfer the mixture to a clean, sterilized jar or bottle.
  6. Store in the refrigerator and use within 1-2 weeks.

2. Soothing Body Lotion


  • 150 ml distilled water
  • 1.5 g LMA Pectin
  • 30 ml of carrier oil (e.g., almond oil, jojoba oil)
  • 15 g shea butter
  • 5 ml vitamin E oil
  • 5 ml essential oil (e.g., lavender or rose) (optional)


  1. In a heat-resistant container, combine the distilled water and LMA Pectin. Stir until the pectin is fully dissolved.
  2. Heat the mixture gently in a double boiler until it reaches a gel-like consistency.
  3. In a separate container, melt the shea butter and carrier oil together until fully combined.
  4. Remove both mixtures from heat and allow them to cool slightly.
  5. Slowly add the melted butter and oil mixture into the gel, stirring continuously.
  6. Add the vitamin E oil and essential oil if using and mix well.
  7. Pour the lotion into a clean, sterilized bottle.
  8. Store in a cool, dry place and use within 1-2 months.

3. Firming Eye Cream


  • 50 ml distilled water
  • 1 g LMA Pectin
  • 10 ml almond oil
  • 5 ml hyaluronic acid solution (1% concentration)
  • 2.5 ml caffeine solution of appropriate concentration (optional)
  • 2 ml vitamin E oil
  • 1 ml essential oil (e.g., rose or frankincense) (optional)


  1. Combine the distilled water and LMA Pectin in a heat-resistant container. Stir until the pectin has completely dissolved.
  2. Heat the mixture gently in a water bath until it thickens to a gel-like consistency.
  3. In a separate container, mix the almond oil, hyaluronic acid solution, and caffeine solution (if using).
  4. Once the gel mixture has cooled slightly, slowly add the oil mixture, stirring continuously.
  5. Add the vitamin E oil and essential oil if using and mix well.
  6. Transfer the eye cream to a clean, sterilized jar.
  7. Store in a cool, dry place and use within 1-2 months.

4. Exfoliating Facial Scrub


  • 75 ml distilled water
  • 1.5 g LMA Pectin
  • 20 g fine sugar or exfoliating beads
  • 10 ml almond oil or another carrier oil
  • 5 ml vitamin E oil
  • 5 ml essential oil (e.g., peppermint or tea tree) (optional)


  1. In a heat-resistant container, combine distilled water and LMA Pectin. Stir until the pectin is fully dissolved.
  2. Heat the mixture gently in a double boiler until it thickens into a gel.
  3. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
  4. Once cooled, stir in the sugar or exfoliating beads, almond oil, and vitamin E oil.
  5. Add essential oil if using and mix well.
  6. Transfer the scrub into a clean, sterilized jar.
  7. Store in a cool, dry place and use within 1-2 months. Apply to damp skin and gently massage in circular motions before rinsing off.

Note: When creating cosmetic products, it is essential to follow proper hygiene and formulation practices. Ensure all equipment and containers are thoroughly sanitized and perform a patch test before using any new product to ensure there are no adverse reactions. Adjust the ingredients and concentrations based on personal preferences or specific skin needs.

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